
The Middle Ages

What were the Middle Ages really? What did the peasents do for a living? Who were the most famous Kings? What did people do for fun? Were people educated, if so, how? What weapons were used. What food did people eat? What music did they listen to?  Were there any important documents? Did these people have art? What were there family's like? All these questions and more will be answered on this page.
~to learn about Jobs in the Middle Ages click --->Jobs
~to learn about Weapons in the Middle Ages click--->Weapons
~to learn about Art, music and Food in the Middle Ages click---> A, M, F
~to learn about family life, education recreationin the Middle Ages click--->F, E, R
~to learn about the Magna Carta click--->Magna Carta
~to learn about some famous Kings in the Middle Ages click--->Kings