Family Life, Education, and Recreation

Family Life

Wives of peasants cooked in a cauldron that was hung over a fire. The family of peasants ate out of wooden bowls. People with more money lived in stone castles. The lords of the castles slept in beds, while his servants slept on the floor of the great hall. Servants did all the things that the peasants’ wives did. Children of all ranks enjoyed playing and having fun. Noblemen would go hunting with servants, while serfs would be working in the fields.


Priest teaching children
Children usually didn’t get an education. Sometimes priests, monks or nuns would teach children to read and write, but very little. Children got their education from their parents. Boys would be taught how to take over their father’s jobs, while girls would learn how to sew, harvest, and cook. Most of the time, the serf girls would also learn how to plant and help in the fields. If boys or girls became monks or nuns, they would be taught how to read and write Latin. But most of the time, people would die not knowing how to read or write. Noble children would always be taught how to read and write as well as do sums. Girls would learn how to sew tapestries and boys would learn how to rule the household. 

Middle Ages Recreation

If you were poor, you had very little time for recreation. What recreation you had was nighttime, before you went to bed. Children would make up games to play in the field, and would hold competitions to see who could pick the most food. Noble men would go hunting and have races. Knights would fight for entertainment.